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         Pastor Mike Mounts





 It's four o'clock and Dad just got off work thirty minutes ago. Just down the road, his car is rounding the bend. Mom has supper ready and the table set.  In just a few minutes, Dad will walk in, say hello, wash up, and then make his way to the supper table, while Mom and I will be waiting on him. Together, we will enjoy a family meal. Each of us will share how our day went - the good things - and the not-so-good things. In fact, supper time will go beyond the eating of food and include the enjoyment of fellowship.


 I wouldn't trade those moments at the supper table with my parents for anything in the world. If you've experienced such moments with your family, I'm sure you could say the same thing. It's too bad when today's families seldom, if ever, gather around the supper table. It has lost its importance and significance. For the most part, because of our busy and conflicting schedules (so we say), today's families actually eat in shifts!


 It's six-thirty, Sunday evening, April 13, 2014. Supper has been made ready and the table set. This too is a family meal, but the family appears to be much smaller than it did on Sunday morning - indicative that the family has regarded this meal with little or no importance. Rather than wait on Him, our unseen Host waits on us. It brings a smile to His face as He sees this family member, another, and then another respond to His invitation. It brings disappointment however, as He looks for other members of the family; but for whatever reason, they reject His invitation.


 But this is not just another meal. It's the Lord's Supper instituted by Christ Himself intended for all Hiss family to attend.  In fact, attendance is not optional for the family. The family should attend out of love, loyalty, and obedience to their Host - their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


 The early church saw its importance. The early church viewed it with such a holy view that the Lord's Supper was regarded as a time of renewed accountability, purity, and unity - so to eat in a worthy manner.


 We quickly quote Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever," but feel as if the ordinances Christ instituted (Baptism, the Lord's Supper, the Washing of the Saints' Feet), are now somewhat optional and less important for the church today than in the early church. It appears that the Lord's Supper has become less and less valued among believers. And what are some of the consequences?


·                  There is little or no accountability among believers

·                  The church's purity is jeopardized.

·                  Her unity is risked.


 But as your pastor, it remains my joy and responsibility to teach and preach on the ordinances of the gospel, their importance, and the need for every believer to faithfully observe them.


 So, how does Jesus teach us to view His Supper? Let's read 1 Corinthians 11:23-24.








 Paul wrote in verse 28, "But let a man examine himself." Before we partake of the Lord's Supper we should reach deep into our hearts to recognize and repent of any know sin. Truth is, when there is sin of any sort in our hearts, there cannot be genuine worship, especially around the Lord's Table.




 In the Sermon On The Mount, Jesus mae it perfectly clear that before we seek to offer any gift to the Lord we should first be reconciled to our brother, then we can come and offer our gift to the Lord (Matthew 5:23-24). Worshiping the Lord by partaking of His Supper is certainly a gift to Him.




 Before we can ever come to the Lord's Table, we should make every effort to realign and readjust our lives to God's Word.






 John MacArthur writes, "The concept of remembering to the Hebrew mind meant more than simply recalling something that happened in the past. It meat recapturing as much of the reality and significance of a person or situation as possible in one's conscious mind. Jesus was requesting that Christians ponder the meaning of His life and death on their behalf. A person can participate in Communion, but if his mind is a million miles away, he hasn't truly remembered the Lord."






 Get things in proper perspective; the temporary versus the eternal (Matt. 6:33)




 When we partake of the Lord's Supper we should be reminded of His return. And on that day we will partake with the Lord Himself! Anticipating His return is also incentive for holy living (1John 3:1-3).




 Each of us is responsible to the Lord and to one another as we meet Him and one another at His table. Ron Owens writes, "There is no other moment in the life of the church where members of the family ought to feel closer to one another than when they are at the Lord's Table, remembering his death."






 Matthew writes, "And when they had sung a hymn (probably Psalms 113-118), they went out to the Mount of Olives" (Matt. 26:30). Psalm 113-118 are called the hallel, which means "praise." It's where we get the word hallelujah, meaning "praise Jehovah!" or "praise Jehovah!" or "praise the Lord!"




 In his book, Return To Worship, Ron Owens share the following story:


 "It was on Wednesday, August 13, 1727, that the Moravian Brethren Congregation of Hernhut met for a special communion service. Times were extremely difficult for these Brethren, Many of them endured severe persecution for their faith, and many had laid down their lives.


 "Many of them ha found refuge on the estate of a wealthy Christian, Count Zinzendorf.  They had come from many different walks of life, with differing opinions  and ways of thinking. During the early years, 'harmony' would not have been the most descriptive word for this gathering of believers. But then something happened, and it began around the Lord's Table that Wednesday in 1727.


 "God had been dealing with them about their self-will, self-love, judgmental spirits, and disobedience. As they gathered around the table that day, they were overwhelmed with a sense of their own unworthiness in light of all God had done for them. For what seemed to be the first time, they saw the wounds their Lord had endured and the blood He had shed for them. Count Zinzendorf went on to say that there was 'a sense of the nearness of Christ' that came in a single moment to all assembled.


 "It is said that two of the member at work approximately twenty miles away, though unaware that the meeting was being held, became conscious of the same presence at the same moment.


 "In later years, Count Zinzendorf described it as a time when they did not know whether they belonged to earth or had already gone to heaven. Just as the early church had done, these believers were soon to touch their world in a way that could be explained only in terms of a revived people in the hands of their Lord. It would not be long before they would begin a twenty-four hour prayer chain that would last for one hundred years. These Moravian Brethren would reach out to continent after continent, people after people, with the glorious news of the saving life of Christ.


 "As you trace the hand of God during the 1700's into the 1800's, you see the lives of this simple, dedicated band of believers right in the middle of His activity. They were insignificant in the eyes of the world, but mighty in the eyes of their Lord. At one point, this Hernhut church that had been transformed around the Lord's Table that day in August would have more missionaries on the fields of the world than all other missions groups combined.


 "It is presumptuous to think a church that faithfully and regularly examines itself and walks in obedience to God's Word will experience God's blessing? Not at all, for such a church will be in a position to be blessed. Such a church will minister in the power and boldness of the same Spirit who filled and empowered the early church!"




Pastor Mike Mounts preached this sermon on March 30, 2014 in the morning service at the Harrison Free Will Baptist Church.  All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, are from the New King James Version.